Our Lady holding Jesus as He accepts flowers from the shepherd child

Our Lady holding Jesus as He accepts flowers from the shepherd child

Welcome to our intercessory prayer ministry for families, babies, little ones and those who love them.

In our prayers for families, we pray for the sanctity of all life and for vocations to marriage, the priesthood and consecrated life, which are born and nurtured in families.

Prayer of Entrustment to Mary was prayed for this ministry at the icon of the Madonna Salus Populi Romani (Salvation of the Roman People, Our Lady of Good Health) in the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore (Basilica of Mary Major) in Rome, Italy, in Nossa Senhora do Rosario da Fatima (Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary) in Fatima, Portugal, in Eglise du Sacre-Coeur (Sacred Heart Parish Church), the site of St. Bernadette's baptismal font, in Lourdes, France and at The National Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts at the Shrine of the Holy Innocents before Our Lady of Guadalupe and at Basilica Papale de San Pietro in Vaticano (St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City) at the Tomb of St. John Paul II in Rome, Italy and at the Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (Basilica of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe) in Mexico City, Mexico.

This ministry is consecrated to Jesus Christ, Wisdom Incarnate, through the hands of Mary and dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. In our prayers to Mary, we honor and worship her Son Jesus. When He was on the Cross, He gave His Mother to John and she became our Mother as well. "Behold, your Mother." John 19:27

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
For the greater glory of God

June 30, 2024

Reflection: "Talitha koum." which means "Little girl, arise."

Jesus took the child by the hand and said to her, "Talitha koum," which means, "Little girl, I say to you, arise." The girl, a child of twelve, arose immediately and walked around. At that, they were utterly astounded. Mark 5:41-42

In this Gospel, we encounter the Living God. Jairus, the synagogue official, threw himself at the feet of Jesus, pleading with Him to come to his home, that his daughter was at the point of death. Jairus asked Jesus to come and lay His hands on her that she may be made well. Jesus went off with him and the crowd followed, pressing on Him. When they arrived at the house, there was a commotion and people were weeping saying the child had died. 

Jesus said to Jairus, "Do not be afraid, just have faith." Jesus said the child had not died but was sleeping. The crown ridiculed Jesus. He went inside taking the child's parents with Peter, James and John. Jesus took the little girl by the hand and said, "Talitha koum" which means "Little girl, arise." Immediately, the little girl got up and walked around. Jesus told them to give her something to eat.

When you are faced with a difficult situation, something that seems impossible, turn to Jesus. All things are possible with Him. When you are sad, lonely, confused, afraid, overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, turn to Jesus. He will bring you out of the darkness into His wonderful Light,

The crowd ridiculed Jesus when He said the little girl was sleeping. They had no faith. At times, you will be ridiculed but Jesus says to you, "Do not be afraid, just have faith."

How can you turn to Jesus?

Spend time with Him. Go to a chapel or church. Sit before the tabernacle and pour out your heart to Him. Go to Eucharistic adoration where Jesus is Present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. He is waiting there for you. In His Presence, you will not be alone, afraid, overwhelmed. He will shine His wonderful Light upon you. He will pour out His healing grace into your heart. When you spend time in His Presence, He will transform you and heal you. 

O Lord, my God, I cried out to You for help, and You healed me. Psalm 30:3 

Come to Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Do not be afraid. Jesus is there waiting for you. Bring all your burdens to the Throne of Mercy and lay them at His feet. He will take you by the hand, embrace you, heal you and forgive you. Jesus will make you a new creation. He makes all things new.

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